'Impact of Covid-19 like World War 3'

  Sep 7, 2020 10:42 am Ibrar Younas 19709
A LEADING TRNC, economist has likened the global financial and social impact of Covid-19 to "World War 3".

'Impact of Covid-19 like World War 3'

"This period of time is proving to be more destructive than the Great Depression of 1929, which was the most severe gloval economic crisis in history, "Hüda Hüdaverdi told a Kıbrıs TV audience on Sunday. 

"The Covid-19 pandemic is (like) World War Three, except that humanity is fighting an invisible enemy. 

"We should not expect things to return to relative normality until 2021 or 2022."

Read the full story in Cyprus Today..
