Off Road and Drift 2020 championships: A possibility!

The Northern Cyprus Automobile Club, the Kyrenia Offroad Association and the Northern Cyprus Offroad Association signaled that they could start the 2020 championships suspended for Covid19 Pandemic by June. The three clubs started to plan their actions jointly according to possible scenarios after the Pandemic process.
The Northern Cyprus Automobile Club President Zeki Topcu, the Kyrenia Offroad Association President Zühtü Cumalıgil and Northern Cyprus Offroad Association President Hulus Eren stated that they wanted to revive the TRNC Drift Championship, the TRNC Offroad Rally-Raid Championship and the TRNC Offroad Championship. They announced that they would plan according to the time left until the end of the year after normalization, but they could change the championship format to Special Cup for 2020 or combine the season with 2021 in possible different scenarios.
According to the last meeting of the Council of Ministers, planning seems to be possible after 15 May and the races may start again as of June.